So, it's time for AngelinainAmerica to become AngelinainSweden for a while. Sadly I say "until we meet again" to all of my friends in the US and the super warm lovely weather for now. I'm also leaving my man, cat and espresso machine... which feels horribly wrong.... But hopefully I will be back before you know it!
My loves! (And a breakfast latte!)
Here are some pictures from the fun Sunday BBQ at Lana and Dean's. A whole bunch from the cast performing at the live celebrity impersonator show "Legends" were there too! So now I can say that I've been to the same party as both, Elvis, Little Richard, Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, The Blues Brothers and Alan Jackson. Very V.I.P, huh?
Miss Lana in her best housewife outfit did some fierce cooking!
Kill it and grill it! (In a vegetarian way of course...)
Elvis and Little Richard smoking cigar
Chilling in the hammock with the fabulous Darcy and "Britney Spears"